Incentives for Italy

Incentives in Italy: Active Measures

National Level - Marebonus – Legge Stabilità 2016

Legal basis

Legge 28 dicembre 2015, n. 208 (legge di stabilità 2016)


The incentive aimed to develop the combined road-sea mode through the creation of new maritime services and the improvement of existing ones


Ship-owning companies presenting three-year projects for the construction of new ro-ro and ro-pax maritime services


The measure provides for the granting of incentives to shipping companies presenting three-year projects for the implementation of new ro-ro and ro-pax maritime services by ships registered in (and flying the flag of ) one of the Member States of the European Union or the European economic Space, for the multimodal transport of goods or the improvement of the same services on existing routes, arriving and departing from ports located in Italy, connecting ports located in Italy and in the Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area. The incentive is calculated on the transport units multiplied by the mileage distances subtracted from the road. A portion of the contribution received have to be reversed in favour of the road haulage companies that have used the maritime services

Financial allocation

€ 138,2 million between 2016 and 2018