Cookie Policy

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small files of letters and numbers that a website you visit stores on your browser and on the hard drive of your computer. This way, the next time you visit that website, your computer sends the stored cookies back to that website. While browsing a website, you may also be presented with cookies from other platforms and sites (called “third party platforms and sites”). This happens when the website you are visiting contains elements (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to other pages) embedded from other websites or platforms.

Your browser usually contains a great amount of cookies, some of which can be stored for very long periods. These are used for the following purposes: to execute IT authentication, monitor sessions, store information on specific configurations regarding the users accessing the server, etc.

2. What are the main types of cookies?

Cookies can be divided into two main categories: technical cookies and behavioural / profiling cookies.

a. Technical Cookies
Technical cookies are required for providing “electronic communications to electronic communication networks or, if necessary, to an IT service provider that was explicitly requested by the user or subscriber to provide that service” (see Art. 122, clause 1 of the Italian Privacy Law).

These cookies are not used for any other purpose and are usually installed directly by the website owner or manager. They can be divided in: navigation or session cookies, which guarantee normal navigation and use of the website (allowing the user, for example, to buy online or authenticate to access private areas); analytic cookies are assimilated to technical cookies when they are used by the website manager to collect anonymous aggregate statistical information on the number of users and on how they visit the website; functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate in function of a set of selected criteria (such as, for example, the language, the products selected in a purchase) in order to better meet the user’s needs. To install these cookies, the user’s consent is not necessary.

b. Behavioural / Profiling Cookies
Profiling cookies are designed to create profiles about the user and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the Internet. The use of this type of cookies requires that the user be informed through a Privacy policy statement and that he/she grant consent to their use, as both the Italian Guarantor and European legislation consider them invasive of the user’s privacy.

According to Art. 122 of the Italian Privacy law "Storing information, or accessing information that is already stored, in the terminal equipment of a contracting party or user shall only be permitted on condition that the contracting party or user has given his consent after being informed in accordance with the simplified arrangements mentioned in section 13(3)."

Session Cookies
Session Cookies contain the information that is used in the current browser session. These cookies are automatically deleted when the browser is shut down. Nothing is stored in the computer other than the website session time (PHPSESSID).

First-Party and Third-Party Cookies
First-party cookies are sent by the manager of the website the user is actually visiting, while third-party cookies are sent by another website through the one the user is visiting.

  1. First-party cookies, sent by the manager of the website the user is actually visiting.
  2. Third-party cookies, created by domains that are external to the website the user is visiting and the data to be treated are collected and stored by the third party.

We reserve the right to analyse our visitor’s online activities by means of cookies and other traceability technologies. The user’s choice of accepting communications from us allows us to use the cookie and other traceability technologies to tailor our future communications to our visitor’s interests.

3. Which cookies does this website use, what are their main features and how can I deny my consent to profiling cookies?

This website can send you the below-mentioned and briefly described cookies for the following purposes.

First-Party Technical Cookies

Main Third-Party Cookies

  1. - Third Party:
  2. - Third Party:

To deny the consensus on the use of one or more profiling cookies:

  1. - use the descripted above links to deny the consensus;
  2. - use your instruction manual or the help page of your browser to see how to adjust or change your browser’s settings.

Microsoft Windows Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:

Google Chrome:

Apple Safari:

To disable Flash cookies:

Updated: 25th September 2019