About Us


To overcome the multiple existing barriers of efficient intermodal and multimodal transport on the Adriatic Sea, TRANSPOGOOD intends to use smart ICT tools and capitalize on existing practice. Co-funded by ERDF through the INTERREG Italy-Croatia Programme, TRANSPOGOOD will capitalize the key results of INTERMODADRIA IPA project, build the TRANSPOGOOD platform and its innovative logistics services. The 18-month project, started in January 2018, relies on a public-private partnership of 8 partners and a budget of 1.170.990,00€.


Intermodal Transport Cluster (LP – HR)
CFLI – Intermodal Logistics Training Consortium (IT)
Istrian Development Agency – IDA LTD (HR)
Regional Association of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Region (IT)
Agenzia di Sviluppo, Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti (IT)
Elevante Trading & Consulting S.R.L. (IT)
Port of Zadar Authority (HR)
Port of Ploče Authority (HR)


Ako ste uključeni u procese donošenja politika, ako ste među operaterima, malim i srednjim poduzetnicima ili dionicima koji bi željeli preuzeti intermodalni i kombinirani prijevoz radi povećanja poslovanja, ali smatrate da je suradnja i razmjena informacija s ostalim operaterima pretjerano složena, možemo vam pomoći. TRANSPOGOOD nudi alate, informacije i usavršavanje te pridonosi održivom i učinkovitom intermodalnom transportu te većoj vidljivosti lanca opskrbe.


The project aims to enable key logistics stakeholders (shippers, logistic providers, transport operators and authorities) by developing, testing and making available the following products and services:

  1. Innovative ICT tool ( TRANSPOGOOD platform) to find the best solutions for transport services (e.g., best price of combined transport, lower emissions of entire chain, e- procurement tools for maritime transport services, higher bi-directional load factor)

  2. Guidelines and requirements for migrating from current systems and architectures to the TRANSPOGOOD platform also using previous solutions (INTERMODADRIA and other past initiatives carried out on European level) and training for operators to achieve cross-border competences alignment

  3. Profile calculator solutions to monitor logistics and environmental performances, involving cargo flows and operational processes from the point of view of public authorities, e.g.,port authorities, and private intermodal transport operators